Saturday, January 26, 2019

Orthodontist Check-in #1

Hey guys!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday and new year!

I definitely loved my break from work and classes, but I've been back to the grind for a few weeks now. I had my first check-in with Dr. K following having my braces put back on in December yesterday. Everything was pretty routine. He did some tightening and everything seems to be on track there. He did seem a little concerned about my surgery coming up so quickly. May feels like no time at all. So, he gave my the green light to get the scans that are needed to have my custom joints made.

I'll be calling on Monday to get that appointment set up. To my knowledge its just a CT scan and they'll use that to make the joint prosthetic specifically for my jaw :)

I'm actually doing some planning for the summer already. That is partially because of having surgery coming up, and I'm partially just dreaming about the summer because I have a MOUNTAIN of things to get done before then and I am already ready to be done. I'm being optimistic about what recovery will look like. For example, I'm planning a b-day party with a friend that will be occurring only 2 weeks after my surgery. I know I won't be able to eat anything, but I'm hoping to be functional enough to be present. I know recovery will take a while, but I don't want to lose my entire summer either. Especially, because this will be the last time I get this much time off all at once.

I'm trying to stay focused on this Spring semester. From now until the end of August I have 3 classes of my own, 2 that I'm co-teaching, research, presentations, and grants to apply for. Also, I'm attempting a new business venture by preparing to open a group counseling practice in the Fall. LIFE. IS. CRAZY. It is all pretty exciting, though. In all the craziness I'm trying to enjoy the now as much as possible.

All in all I think 2019 will be a good year. Surgery will happen, but hopefully it will only be a small chapter of the bigger story. As always, I will update again when there is something to update!

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